Fellowship Notes

Summary notes for the ACEM Fellowship exam.

Mapped to the sylabus.

Medical Expertise

1. Resuscitation

2. Anaesthetics

3. Medicine

4. Surgical

5. Obstetrics and Gynaecology

7. Toxicology

8. Environmental

Prioritisation and Decision Making

Prioritisation of Patient Management

Clinical Risk

Decision Making


Principles of Effective Communication

Communication with Patients, Carers and the General Public

Communicating with Colleagues

Teamwork and Collaboration

Principles of Teamwork

The Effective Emergency Department Team

The Effective Resuscitation Team

Collaboration in Emergency Medicine

Leadership and Management

Human Resource Management

Operational Management in the Emergency Department


Roles and Responsibilities in the Emergency Department

Operational Management of the Floor

Patient Safety and Quality Management

Patient Complaints

Health Advocacy

Principles of Health Advocacy

Cultural Competence

Health Advocacy for Specific Groups

End of Life Care

Scholarship and Teaching

Finding and Critically Appraising the Evidence

Applying Academic Knowledge to Emergency Medicine Practice

Basic Elements of Creating Research

Ongoing Learning Skills

Simulation medicine

Teaching Skills


Professional Conduct and its Regulation

Ethics and Professionalism

Responsibility to Patients and Society

Responsibility to Profession and Self


Coming Soon


The Exam
